Thursday, December 2, 2010
Men Supporting Mothers through COL
Learning from Community Media:
Participation, Education & Development
By James Achanyi-Fontem
Sir John Daniel, the President and CEO of the Commonwealth of Learning, COL, Prof. Asha Kenwar and Ian Pringle respectively, are names that media professionals, who attended the 6th Pan COL held at Kochi, India from the 24th – 28 November 2010 will live to remember for consolidating partnerships on how the agenda of Mother and Child Health Care can be taken one step forward.“Linking Media to Health Development”, which Cameroon Link addressed, was demonstrated through a Radio in a Box experiment at the Meridien Forum Centre in Kochi.throughout the period of the forum attended by over 600 delegates.
The Vice President of Col, Prof. Asha Kenwar, who also doubles as the Programme Director, was taken live on “Radio Commons” at the PCF6 Centre. This COL Forum Initiative aimed at showing how all sectors of the community can be involved in project design, decision making, execution, monitoring and evaluation for Mother and Child Health Care promotion.
The WABA Men’s Initiative Coordinator and Executive Director of Cameroon Link highlighted the current project in Lebialem, south west region of Cameroon producing programmes on the issues of “Mother and Child Health Care” delivered through Lebialem Community Radio as a good example.
Cameroon Link mapped the community’s human resource, and gave equal participation opportunities for involvement of both men and women, including young persons living within the community to tell their stories as a Community of Learning process.
The involvement of men and youths in communities for mother and child health care support creates an enabling environment where men and youths, particularly fathers or partners, participate actively in sharing responsibilities with women as far as caring for their infants and young children is concerned.
In mapping the human resource capital, representatives are drawn from the radio station, the public service sector, traditional leadership, health, education, social welfare and civil society organisations. In effect, the mother and child health care community of learning action is participatory.
The small people in the community are used to address big issues. They are invited for exchanges and decision making meetings regularly. It is during the community development committee meetings that the issues are introduced. Those selected are people who are readily available and accept to service as volunteers, they are respected and accessible by their peers within the community.
During the process, it is often discovered that most of those elected for training to produce the radio programmes are already playing a role of animators within their community or development committee.
Almost every man or woman in the community is known to belong to a meeting group, where regular exchanges take place on weekly basis. Training the members of the orientation committee of local broadcasters only comes to add to their existing skills and capacity; especially as the language of delivery of the healthy community learning programmes for behaviour change is a popular local language.
Cameroon Link’s current activities focus on “Mother and Child Health Care” rights as part of the men’s advocacy channel for behaviour change communication.
As such, the health programmes,
• Continue to challenge trade laws that prioritize profit over access to life-saving possibilities.
• Create men’s, women’s leadership and ownership training opportunities within local communities by the establishment of or collaboration with local health area men/women gender councils and related health taskforces.
• Educate, inform, lobby funding organizations and service providers for the involvement of young persons, especially teen mothers in care and support activities,
• Promote social norm change campaigns through publications, participation in local community radio and television programmes, fostering relationships with media outlets and through well recognized male and female celebrities for the promotion of women and child rights.
• Participate in planning, organizing and broadcasting programmes during UN international and national days with women’s involvement in radio live shows and pre-recorded programmes on Mother and Child Health Care rights..
The Community Learning Programmes on Radio
* increase the awareness of need for and the value of male and youth to participate equqlly in the execution of the radio programmes.
* disseminate information updates on mother and child health care though the radio programme.
* create optimal conditions for the provision of support to the mother
Specific objectives
It is understood that the subject of mother and child health care is very vast and this explains the reasons for putting in place an orientation committee to discuss and decide on the issues treated during the week’s session. This explains why the specific objectives are:
- To inculcate the mastery of basic principles of mother and child health care.
- To advocate for gender equality and women's empowerment through government’s increased allocation for gender-sensitive policies and programmes.
- To vulgarize the main points on the support that mothers merits from their partners;
- To create radio mothers’, fathers’ and youths’ support clubs within the communities to encourage mothers to breastfeed their babies for the first six months exclusively and continue with complimentary feeding, thereafter with continued breastfeeding up to six months and beyond.
- To educate youths and men on the international code advocacy and monitoring of marketing by formula producing companies and distributors.
- To Organize HIV prevention and home care radio campaigns.
It is the role of the radio station to create conducive environment for their involvement of men and youths to appropriate and own the programme through their support to mothers.
- The other media, tv and newspapers, are used as complimentary channels and tools for community outreach on the involvement of men and youths for mother support.
- Youths Social mobilization conferences are organized in colleges for students of examination classes. This is seen as a special target in the community for the acceleration of behavior change.
Cameroon Link Activities Sheet
Cameroon Link, acting as COL Partnership Liaison makes sure that an activity sheet is designed and used for monitoring and evaluation. Key activities on the sheet are:
• Radio Press Releases
• Radio, television and video programming.
• Radio Press Conferences
• Past Events Film Screening on market days
• Recycling and organization of workshops for community broadcasters
• Seminars for community leaders and heads of educational institutions
• Organisation of panels recording of programmes.
• Photos, posters, story and drama competitions for colleges
• Lectures, educative talks, debates and testimonies
• Concerts, street drama, plays and theatres
• Community social mobilisation: Organisation of Radio Quiz, distribution of stickers, message leaflets, information kits and other promotion publications
Cameroon Link,
Commonwealth of Learning,
Friday, September 10, 2010
8th IBFAN Africa Conference Holds in Mauritius
By James Achanyi-Fontem
Africa rekindled child survival and maternal health interventions towards the attainment of Millennium Development Goals through effective integration of Infant and Young Child Feeding Programmes at Port Louis, Mauritius from the 20th September 2010.Men were really involved in this conference. Just read through this page and discover it for yourself.It was also gender oriented...
The conference was organised by the International Baby Food Action Network, IBFAN Africa with the support of the World Health Organisation,UNICEF and the government of Mauritius.It would be recalled that the Regional IBFAN Africa office supports 32 countries: 27 countries in Anglophone Africa:Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Comoros, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe and 5 countries in Lusophone Africa:Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tomé & Principe.
Countries in the African region as well as world-wide, pledged to reduce under-five mortality rate by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015. “Child survival and maternity health” is the Millennium Development Goal 4.
Subsequently, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued Infant Feeding Guidelines which recommended that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, development and health. Thereafter, to meet their evolving nutritional requirements, infants should receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond.
It is estimated that 10% to 15% of under-five deaths in resource poor countries can be prevented through achievement of 90% coverage with exclusive breastfeeding alone. Studies highlight that breastfed infants have fewer respiratory and diarrhoeal illnesses, with an overall decrease in the hospitalization rates than non-breastfed infants.
It is estimated that reaching all infants with a package of interventions to protect, promote and support optimal infant and young child feeding practices - breastfeeding and complementary feeding can contribute to preventing 1.4 million and 600,000 child deaths respectively, or just over a fifth of the total annual child deaths.
The good news is that breastfeeding rates are not declining any more on a global level and have increased during the last decade in many countries, due to concerted programming efforts. Recent data highlights that there has been substantial and encouraging progress over the last 10 years in over a dozen countries, where exclusive breastfeeding rates increased by 20 percentage points or more (UNICEF database, 2007).
Many of these countries are in sub-Saharan Africa. These successes show that progress is possible, even in challenging situations. Positive outcomes are achieved when countries implement at scale, a comprehensive approach to improving infant feeding practices. This could include efforts at the level of policy and legislation, health system strengthening and capacity building, community-level action and behaviour change communication initiatives.
Improving breastfeeding practices requires behaviour change, something that does not happen
spontaneously and without encouragement and support at the family and community levels. This effort is recognized in the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding, which includes community based interventions as one of the new operational targets.
Given the fact that women’s capability to breastfeed is determined by both social and cultural factors, as well as medical and technical factors, mainstreaming IYCF requires both communication for behaviour change at all levels of the population, as well as skilled counseling and guidance given to women from the time of childbirth onwards. Mainstreaming of optimal IYCF, inclusion of breastfeeding indicators in outcome evaluations, capacity building for effective improvement in breastfeeding rates and building public awareness on the importance of breastfeeding is crucial to meet MDG-4, for improving child survival is of immense importance for the Africa network as well as to fulfill the global desire to achieve the MDGs for nutrition and child survival.
Evidence based preventive measures like optimal infant and young child feeding are important tools to achieve these goals. For the African continent, there is an urgent need to contribute to the ongoing efforts by various partners including NGOs, government and UN agencies.
Each member of the network must impart the essential service of infant feeding counselling to the mothers and families coming in contact with him/her. This may require sensitization of everyone coming in contact with the mother and counselling on infant feeding by a trained person.
Conference Background
IBFAN Africa Regional Meeting is a strategic planning activity that is held once every three years for IBFAN members in the Anglophone and Lusophone countries. The meeting hosts National Coordinators of infant and young child feeding programmes and group leaders from about 33 member countries in Africa. To attend these meetings, IBFAN friends, partners, donors and collaborators are also invited.
The Regional Meeting in Muritius was an opportunity to:
• Enrich and update participants on new issues and developments on Infant and Young Child Feeding;
• Provide a forum for reviewing progress of our work and sharing of experiences and information;
• Create consensus on interpretation of new knowledge and matters of mutual benefits, and
• Make recommendations on the strategic direction for the Network in IYCF for the next 3 years.
• Regional Meetings are also an opportunity for IBFAN members to elect the IBFAN Africa Advisory Committee (IAAC) members. The term of office of Dr. Lourdes Fidalgo of Mozambique as chairperson was extended for another three years. The Advisory Committee formulates major IBFAN regional policies and advices the Regional Coordinator on issues of implementation and coordination of regional programme.
IBFAN represents a global network linking over 200 groups in around 100 countries both in the North and the South. It was founded by a number of NGOs in 1979, following a WHO/ UNICEF international meeting on IYCF. This meeting culminated in the adoption of the International Code on Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes. The Code was adopted in 1981 by an overwhelming majority of 118 Member States. IBFAN was given the mandate to support governments in adopting, implementing and monitoring compliance to the Code.
The 8th IBFAN Africa Conference in Mauritius was the first during the mandate of the current Regional Coordinator, Joyce Chanetsa.
Joyce brought in key international facilitators to the conference in Mauritius: Dr. Linda Beyer of UNICEF presented the paper on the work of her organisation and current orientations, Dr. Charles Moses Sagoe of WHO spoke on the new recommendations relevant to breastfeeding in the context of HIV, Dr. J.P. Dadhich, who is National Coordinator of the Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India(BPNI)to talk about the World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative(WBTi), Mr. Hussein H.T. Tarimo, who works with the Ministry of health in Gabrone, Botswana (Food Safety Principal Scientific Officer), Eliane Petitat-Côté from IBFAN-GIFA in Switzerland, who addressed human rights based approaches, as member of the Child Rights Commission and Yousouf Jhugroo, Chief Executive of the Institute for Consumer Protection, Mauritian Action for the promotion of Breastfeeding and Infant Nutrition just to name a few. Yousouf was the key host person of the IBFAN Africa Conference. He put the participants in Manisa Beach Hotel and we use this opportunity to express thanks and gratitude for the hospitality of the hotel management and staff.
The 8th IBFAN Africa Regional Conference was one of success stories, especially as country progress on Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) and community Mother and Baby Friendly Initiative(BFCI) were highlighted amongst other issues. Cameroon chaired the session on Thursday, 23rd September 2010 on collaboration issues and election of the new board.
The peak of the IBFAN Africa conference was the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Innocenti Declaration and the award of certificates to meritorious individuals and groups. Cameroon bagged a Certificate of Appreciation for its indefatigable work on behalf of Africa's women and children and assiduous reporting to IBFAN Africa.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Par Mme Priscille Mouto
La Présidente COGESID
Après avoir participé aux réunions préparatoires de la SMAM 2010 au ministère de la santé à Yaoundé vint le jour du lancement officiel des activités de la semaine. Ce fut le 03/08/10 que le ministre de la santé à André MAMA FOUDA à procédé au lancement officiel à HGOPY (hôpital gynéco-obstétrique et pédiatrique de Yaoundé). Etaient présents d’autres ministres nationaux, le président FECABPA (Fédération Camerounaise de la Promotion de l’allaitement Maternel), des représentants des organismes internationaux tels que : l’UNICEF, HKI, Helene kelly Foundation etc.
Comme il est d’usage qu’après le lancement officiel, chaque association rentre dans son district de santé pour organiser des rencontres, dans le but de sensibiliser les femmes et les hommes, le personnel médical et surtout de transmettre le message du ministre de la santé, sans oublier des orientations des organismes internationaux sur la question de l’allaitement maternel.
Le 04/08/10 Cogesid Bonamikano a organisé une rencontre au centre de santé sis à Bonambappe-Bonassama.
Nous avons d’abord eu un entretien avec le personnel de santé du centre, puis tour à tour avec ce personnel, le président de la FECABPA Mr Achanyi Fontem et moi-même présidente de COGESID Bonamikano, Priscille mouto, avons expliqués le thème de l’année à savoir : « les 10 Conditions pour le succès de l’allaitement ».
Nous avons été couverte par lles media, a télévision Canal 2 Tv, qui a fait large diffusion de cette semaine avec une emission speciale et M. Achanyi Fontem était l’invité.
Près d’une cinquantaine de femmes avaient répondu présentes à cette rencontre. Entre autres, nous avons assisté à la démonstration et à la mise au sein correcte par quelques mamans volontaires dont l’une ayant des jumelles de 7 mois, celles-ci prenant le lait maternel uniquement depuis leur naissance. Les tricots et savons ont été distribués à chaque maman présente pendant la causeries éducative.
Il a été aussi convenu avec les mamans, la création d’un groupe de soutien des mères le 25 aout 2010.
Cameroon Link,
SMAM 2010,
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
United Reformed Church Assembly 2010 backs Nestlé Boycott
By Baby Milk Action, 4 July 2010
The United Reformed Church Assembly meeting on 4 July 2010 has given its support to continuing to boycott Nestlé over its aggressive marketing of baby foods. Baby Milk Action has welcomed the decision of the URC to continue its long-running support for the campaign.
Nestlé has tried hard to overturn URC support for the boycott. Last December Nestlé sent a team led by Vice President, Neils Christiansen, to try to persuade URC and other church representatives that the company had changed its business practices. However, Nestlé continues to reject the four-point plan put to the company by Baby Milk Action for saving infant lives and ending the boycott. Monitoring conducted by the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN), shows Nestlé continues to systematically violate World Health Assembly marketing standards. It is a requirement of the four-point plan and the criteria of ethical investment listings, such as FTSE4Good, that Nestlé accepts the marketing standards and brings policies and practices into line.
FTSE4Good confirmed last week that Nestlé continues to be excluded from its list. According to the report from the URC Assembly “General Assembly resolves that if Nestlé obtains listing on the FTSE4Good Index, Mission Council be instructed to rescind the boycott on Nestlé products outlined in the Assembly 1992 resolution.”
The FTSE4Good criteria have similarities with Baby Milk Action's four-point plan, requiring companies to accept World Health Assembly marketing standards (which Nestlé currently refuses to do) and to bring policies and practices into line. The key difference is that FTSE4Good looks to company reports on marketing practices, whereas Baby Milk Action looks to the independent monitoring conducted by IBFAN partners on the ground. A new monitoring report is due in 2010. Current concerns include Nestlé claiming its formula 'protects' babies and promoting it to health workers as 'The new "Gold Standard" in infant nutrition' (see image with online version of this press release).
Mike Brady, Campaigns and Networking Coordinator at Baby Milk Action, said:
"Nestlé appears to have taken a turn for the worse since Mr. Paul Bulcke took over as Chief Executive Officer in 2008. Although his predecessor, Mr. Brabeck, was bad at least he paid lip-service to the World Health Assembly marketing standards - the Nestlé line now is that they do not apply to the company. It is also rolling out a global campaign claiming its baby milk 'protects' babies and reduces diarrohea. Its claims do not stand up to scrutiny, endanger health and violate the marketing standards. We have stopped such strategies in the past through pressure from the boycott, but Nestlé keeps coming back with new strategies to boost sales regardless of the impact on infant health."
"We hope the United Reformed Church decision will add to the pressure from our current 'email Nestlé' campaign to persuade Nestlé to drop its 'protect' claims and accept our four-point plan for ending the boycott."
For further information, contact Mike Brady on 07986 736179.
Click here for Baby Milk Action's Email Nestlé campaign.
Click here for details of the four-point plan and FTSE4Good criteria and Nestlé's response to it.
Click here for Baby Milk Action's briefing prepared for the URC Assembly, with images, links and references.
Point 1 of the four-point plan states that Nestlé must state in writing that it accepts that the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and the subsequent, relevant World Health Assembly Resolutions are minimum requirements for every country.
In its response to members of the public calling on it to respect the Code and Resolutions, Nestlé claimed in July 2010: "For your information, the World Health Assembly does not formulate marketing standards – rather it makes health policy recommendations to Member States. It is up to each Member State to determine how it implements these policy recommendations in their own country, according to their development goals and their social and legislative framework."
In truth, the International Code was adopted in 1981 and article 11.3 is clear:"Independently of any other measures taken for implementation of this Code, manufacturers and distributors of products within the scope of this Code should regard themselves as responsible for monitoring their marketing practices according to the principles and aim of this Code, and for taking steps to ensure that their conduct at every level conforms to them."
The World Health Assembly restated in May 2010 (Resolution 63.23) that it “CALLS UPON infant food manufacturers and distributors to comply fully with their responsibilities under the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent relevant World Health Assembly resolutions;” and expressed "deep concern over persistent reports of violations". Improvements to breastfeeding rates and complementary feeding practices “could save annually the lives of 1.5 million children”.
Nestlé's refusal to accept the validity of the Code and Resolutions is also preventing it from being included in the FTSE4Good ethical investment list. See, in particular, points 3 and 4 of the Policy Criteria of FTSE4Good Breastmilk Substitutes Marketing Criteria.
SMAM 2010 Est Là !
Thème: « Allaitement Maternel: Suivre les Dix Conditions pour Garantir la Sante de l'Enfant et de la Mère ».
Le vendredi, 09 juillet 2010, s’est tenue dans la salle de réunion de la Direction de la Promotion de la Sante, la première réunion préparatoire de la Semaine Mondiale de l’Allaitement Maternel (SMAM 2010) sous la présidence de Monsieur OKALA Georges, Sous-directeur de l’alimentation et de la Nutrition en lieu et place du Directeur de la Promotion de la Sante empêché. 43 personnes ont participés à la réunion.
La liste des participants est jointe en annexe. Quatre points étaient inscrits à l’ordre du jour, à savoir:
1. Mot introductif du Directeur de la Promotion de la Sante;
2. Présentation du thème de la SMAM 2010 ;
3. Présentation des plans d'action des Associations;
4. Questions diverses.
1- Mot introductif du Sous-directeur de I ‘alimentation et de la Nutrition dans son mot introductif, le Sous-directeur de l'alimentation et de la Nutrition, a tout d'abord adressé les remerciements à tous les participants et leur a souhaite la bienvenue à cette première réunion préparatoire.
Il a ensuite évoque l'augmentation du taux de l'allaitement maternel au vu des statistiques : 1 % il y a 15 ans, 11 % environ en 1998 et en 2006, nous sommes passés a 24 %. La mise au sein à l'heure qui suit l'accouchement a pris également le même chemin. Il a rappelé que la SMAM est un moment ou nous nous arrêtons pour réfléchir et faire le point.
Apres ce propos liminaire, l’ordre du jour proposé a été adopte.
2- Présentation du thème de la SMAM 2010
Le thème retenu cette année est « Allaitement Maternel: Suivre les Dix Conditions pour Garantir la Sante de I’ Enfant et de la Mère ».
Les dix conditions pour le succès de I' allaitement, recommandées à tout établissement qui fournit des services de maternité et des soins au nouveau-né sont:
1. Adopter une politique d’allaitement maternel formulée par écrit.
2. Donner à tous les membres du personnel soignant les compétences nécessaires pour mettre en œuvre cette politique.
3. Informer toutes les femmes enceintes des avantages de I' allaitement maternel.
4. Placer le bébé en peau a peau avec sa mère immédiatement à la naissance, pendant au moins une heure et encourager la mère a reconnaitre quand le bébé est prêt a téter, en proposant de I' aide si besoin.
5. Indiquer aux mères comment pratiquer I' allaitement au sein et comment entretenir la lactation même si elles se trouvent séparées de leur nourrisson.
6. Ne donner aux nouveau-nés aucun aliment ni aucune boisson autre que le lait maternel, sauf indication médicale.
7. Laisser l'enfant avec sa mère 24h/24h par jour.
8. Encourager I' allaitement au sein à la demande de I' enfant.
9. Ne donner aux enfants nourris au sein aucune tétine artificielle ou sucette.
10. Encourager la constitution d'associations de soutien a l'allaitement maternel et leur adresser les mères des leur sortie de l'hôpital ou de la clinique.
Apres la présentation de ces conditions, les objectifs et les résultats attendus de la SMAM 2010 ont également été présentés :
• Souligner la contribution importante des Dix Conditions a I' allaitement maternel exclusif;
• Dynamiser les activités au sein des systèmes de sante, et parmi les agents de sante et les communautés, afin de soutenir les femmes dans leur projet d’allaitement;
• Informer les gens partout dans le monde que la protection, la promotion et le soutien de l’allaitement maternel est un droit de la mère, un droit de l’enfant, et un droit humain ;
• Permettre aux femmes et a tous ceux qui se soucient des droits humains de se battre en faveur des systèmes de soins qui soutiennent I' allaitement maternel ;
• Assurer que les agents de sante qui prennent soin des mères et des bébés aient une formation adéquate pour conseiller et soutenir I’ alimentation optimale du nourrisson.
Résultats attendus
• .La contribution des Dix Conditions a I' allaitement maternel exclusif soulignée;
• Les activités au sein des systèmes de sante et parmi les agents de sante et les communautés dynamisées, afin de soutenir les femmes dans leur projet de l’allaitement;
• .Les leaders informés que la protection, la promotion et le soutien de l'allaitement maternel sont des droits de la mère, de l'enfant et des droits humains;
• Les femmes et tous ceux qui se soucient des droits humains aptes à se battre en faveur des systèmes de soins qui soutiennent I ‘allaitement maternel;
• Les agents de sante qui prennent soin des mères et des bébés adéquatement formés pour conseiller et soutenir l'alimentation optimale au nourrisson.
Le Président de Cameroon Link, James Achanyi-Fontem, est intervenu à la suite de ces présentations
pour réitérer les VOEUX de la WABA de 2010 qui est celui d’avoir plus de 22.000 hôpitaux Ami des Bébés cette année. II a suggéré que le Ministère de la Sante puisse évaluer les Hôpitaux Amis des Bébés parce que le Cameroun n'a aucun Hôpital Amis des Bébés labélisé jusqu' a présent.
Certains représentants des structures sanitaires ont soulevé le problème de la promotion faite par les fabricants et distributeurs des laits artificiel ainsi que leur influence sur les responsables des établissements qui fournissent des services de maternité par la remise des dons de laits artificiels. Les participants ont sollicite l'intervention du Ministre de la Sante sur ce phénomène.
Une instruction interdisant les affiches de la société laitière et des substituts de lait maternel devrait également être donnée aux responsables des structures sanitaires.
Il a été propose d'intégrer le volet de l'allaitement maternel dans les programmes scolaires pour la sensibilisation des jeunes filles. Pour I' amélioration du volet communication, des propositions doivent être faites auprès de nos partenaires (UNICEF, HKI,...) afin qu'ils mettent d'autres supports a la disposition des associations.
Le Président de séance est revenu sur les facteurs qui font régresser l'allaitement maternel à savoir:
• l'influence des medias et des coutumes. II a indiqué qu'il est nécessaire d'informer et de sensibiliser Ie public sur la pratique de l'allaitement maternel exclusif qui doit être introduite le plus tôt possible.
Présentations des Plans d’Action des Associations
Deux associations ont présenté leur plan d'action. II s'agit de l’AJPEC et Cameroon Link. Cette dernière a produit deux films vidéo sur l'allaitement maternel et sollicite un appui du Ministère de la sante pour la reproduction afin qu'ils puissent être a la disposition de toutes les associations.
Le président de séance a recommandé aux Associations d’avoir des messages concis et qui accrochent tout en tenant compte des dix conditions. Les associations doivent automatiquement avoir un point d’encrage qui est le district de sante.
Des questions relatives a la reproduction du film ont été abordées. Une autocritique du film sur le fond et la forme sera faite par les responsables du Ministère de la Sante.
Une participante a voulu savoir l’appui que pourrait apporter le Ministère de la Sante en faveur des Associations pendant la SMAM. Sur ce point, Ie président de séance a précisé que Celle des associations qui sollicitent l’appui du Ministère de la Sante devrait déposer a la DCOOP un dossier bien ficelé et comprenant un plan d’action et un programme.
Cette réunion permettra de préciser le niveau de réalisation des activités et de s’accorder sur le jour de lancement et le lieu.
La Liste des Participants
1. Dr. Takou Virginie – HGOPY Ngousou
2. Eben Mado – HGOPY Ngousou
3. Fongang K. Luc – Step Ministry Yaounde
4. James Achanyi- Fontem, Cameroon Link Douala
5. Yvonne Bekeny – Cameroon Link Douala
6. Andela Elisabeth – AFFE Mbalmayo
7. Ngo Poha Priscille Sabine – Ahead Biyem Assi
8. Etong Jeanne – NOLFOWOP
9. Louis Amagnia Ndémé – Maléo Santé Plus
10. Messe Suzanne – Alternative Santé
11. Ngale Judith – GICOMDEF
12. Ossombe Marie Claire – CASAMAC Ebolowa
13. Nfong Yvette Marie Delphine – Assistance Action
14. Mouto Priscille - COGESID Bonamikano
15. Tsenou Martine Yolande – AFEYMEK WATAMONOMO
16. Melingui Rosalie - AFEYMEK WATAMONOMO
17. Dr. Mbah Joan née Ebong Ngole – Foundation Mbororo Batibo, NW Region
18. Dr. Jeanne Ejigui – UNICEF Cameroun Yaoundé
19. Joseph Ngon à Keedi – CIFAS
20. Nyassa Marie Juliette – UFFATMC
21. Mary Neh Ngwa – COGESID Mambanda
22. Samuel Mbah – COGESID Mambanda
23. Zoa Catherine – CAMNAFAW Yaoundé
24. Molo Ngono Jeannette – HGOPY Ngousou
25. Lissouck Marie Germaine – NOLFOWOP
26. Tata Japhet Ngol – DPS/MINSANTE
27. Chi Jacqueline- Caring For Women (CAFOW)
28. Makendi Theodore - Atrapracam
29. Ngo Mbogba Désirée – Atrapracam
30. Baleng Joanny – Atrapracam
31. Ngo Béa Elisabeth – Atrapracam
32. Djoky Deampess – Atrapracam
33. Tematio Josephine – Ahead Biyem Assi
34. Kangue Koum Henry – CBNCA/DPS/MINSANTE
35. Ntonga André Aggée – Helen Kelly International
36. Zintsem Marie – CIFAS
37. Mme Mbassi - ISSR Yaounde
38. Aboubakar Mgbekoum – ASS. Journalistes de la Presse Ecrite du Cameroun
39. Ngoudzo Mabah Martine – Vine Yard Cameroun
40. Fokoua Meffoh – ASSOCASFIASAR Yaounde
41. Numfo Beris - Nka'ah Women Bamenda
42. Mbeng Akomba – CBD/MINSANTE Yaoundé
43. Okala Georges – S/DAN/MINSANTE Yaoundé
Cameroon Link,
SMAM 2010,
WBW 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
7e Assemblée Générale de la FECABPA
7e Assemblée Générale de la FECABPA au Pont So’o , Mbalmayo
le 24 juillet 2010
Par Mme Chi Jacqueline, CAFOW Yaoundé
Les travaux de la 7e Assemblée Générale de la FECABPA ont débuté à 10h10 avec l’inscription des participants et les membres ont délibérés au tour d’un ordre du jour de 12 points :
1. Inscription
2. Prière par un participant
3. Présentation de l’ordre du jour et adoption par les membres de la FECABPA
4. Mot de Bienvenue du Chef de Village de Pont So’o, Mbalmayo
5. Présentation de l’Association des Femmes et Filles Entrepreneurs, AFFE
6. Lecteur du rapport de la 6e l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire à Bonamikano-Douala
7. Orientation des activités de la FECABPA par le Président du Conseil d’Administration
8. Echanges sur les stratégies à adopter par la FECABPA dans le cadre de la mobilisation
9. Présentation du rapport financier et paiement des cotisations
10. Introduction des nouveaux membres et inscription sur la liste adhérents
11. Divers et annonces
12. Photo de famille, réception et clôture .
La séance s’ouvre par une prière en langue nationale (Ewondo) par Mme ABOMO Sabine, suivi directement du mot de bienvenue par le Chef du Village de Pont So’o, M. Ndzie Balla Joël qui a dressé la situation géographique de son village.
Pont-So'o est la porte d'entrée de la ville de Mengueme entouré par une grande forêt dont la superficie ne saurait être estimée, arrosé par deux grandes rivières So'o et Falla. La population de Pont So’o est à 90% jeunes, vivant essentiellement de I’ agriculture, la pêche et le petit commerce.
Pour lutter contre la pauvreté, les habitants du village Pont So’o se sont regroupés en Associations et GICS dont AFFE fait parti.
Le Chef du Village de Pont So’o, M. NDZIE BALLA Joël a révélé que la visite du siège d’AFFE dans le cadre de la mobilisation sociale des populations pour la promotion, la protection et le soutien de I’ allaitement maternel témoigne !'Importance que la FECABPA a pour cette association qui est membre de la coalition des associations et ONG de nutrition au Cameroun.
Le Chef NDZIE BALLA ajoute qu’on ne saurait estimer les avantages que les foyers de son village tiennent en pratiquant I’ allaitement maternel exclusive pendant les six premiers mois de la vie des bébés comme moyen de lutte contre la pauvreté. Il a terminé son propos en tirant un coup de chapeau à Madame MBARGA I-Honorine qui apporte toujours un plus pour le bien être de ses frères et sœurs du village.
Après le mot du chef, la présidente de l’AFFE, Mme Mbarga Honorine, a continué avec une liste des activités qu’elle mène avec ses membres pour la promotion de l’allaitement maternel dans leur village. Elle a encouragé les initiatives de la FECABPA qui éclairent la route des adhérents. Elle exhorte à travers son vaillant président, M. James Achanyi-Fontem, d’aller de l’avant pour soutenir AFFE au Pont So’o - Mbalmayo.
C’est à la suite de Mme Mbarga que le président de la FECABPA, M. James Achanyi-Fontem, a pris la parole pour présenter les activités de la FECABPA dont les objectifs principaux sont tournés vers la promotion de la nutrition infantile au Cameroun et les échanges avec les réseaux internationales pour la promotion, la protection et le soutien de l’allaitement maternel. Le message d’or est « Allaitement Maternel Exclusif de 0 à 6 mois».
Le président de la FECABPA a exhorté et encouragé les mamans à allaiter les bébés aux seins afin d’assurer leur bonne croissance qui met à l’abri des différentes maladies. Il a ajouté que la tâche d’allaiter les bébés n’incombe pas seulement aux mères, mais elles doivent le faire avec le soutien des pères.
Le bébé retrouve son bon démarrage de croissance dans le premier lait appelé « Le colostrum » , il a insisté en exhortant les mères à ne pas faire rater ce lait à leurs bébés , car il développe le cerveau de leurs bébés et les distingue des enfants nourris au lait artificiel.
M. Achanyi-Fontem qui coordonne l’Initiative d’Homme de WABA a profiter de l’événement pour annoncer la 8e Conférence du réseau Africaine prévue à l’Ile Mauritius du 20 au 23 septembre 2010 et le Forum des Partenaires Globaux de WABA programmé à Penang, en Malaysie de 17 au 20 octobre 2010.
Le président de la FECABPA a fini son propos par remercier le chef du village, M. Ndzie Balla Joël, et la présidente d’AFFE, Mme Mbarga Honorine pour l’accueil et la forte mobilisation de populations de Pont So’o.
L’orientation du président de la FECABPA est suivie par la lecture du rapport de la 6e Assemblée Générale Ordinaire qui s’est tenue à Bonamikano – Douala IV au siège de COGESID. La lecture est faite par Mme TSENOU Martine Yolande de AFEYMEK (WATAMONOMO) de Yaoundé. Dans ce rapport, il est noté que le thème de la Semaine Mondiale de l’Allaitement Maternel 2010 est « l’Allaitement Maternel ! 10 Pas ! Une Condition après l’autre, Sur le Chemin des Amis des Bébés ! » . (Voir le Rapport de la 6e AGO à Douala).
Le président de la FECABPA a pris la parole pour présenter la situation financière de la fédération, en expliquant les conditions d’adhésion dont les frais s’élèvent à CFA 10.000 et les cotisations annuelles à CFA 15.000. La cotisation annuelle de Quinze Mille Francs CFA est payable au plus tard en Juin de chaque année. Les fonds collectés couvrent les dépenses liés au fonctionnement et la gestion des activités du secrétariat de la FECABPA.
Le président a ensuite expliqué le sens du travail de volontariat de la Fédération jusqu’à ce jour, dont le bon fonctionnement demande beaucoup de sacrifices. C’est le cas de soutien dans la réception et au transport des membres des associations membres de la FECABPA (L’Aide de CFA 10.000 à AFFE et CFA 20.000 pour le transport de membres à Pont So’o Mbalmayo).
Après les finances, les travaux de l’assemblée générale ont continué avec la présentation et l’explication des 10 étapes (Conditions pour le succès de l’allaitement maternel) en Français et en Bulu (langue nationale) par Dr. Joan Mbah Ebong Ngollé de la Fondation FONBORORO et Mme Tsenou Martine Yolande de AFFEYMEK - WATAMONOMO.
Il est annoncé que le lancement officiel de la SMAM 2010 est prévu pour le mardi 03 août à l’Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Ngousou – Yaoundé. Pendant les délibérations, les membres de l’AFFE faisaient de petites pauses d’animation en chants et danses. A la fin des travaux, le président de la FECABPA a repris la parole pour inviter le Chef du Village Pont So’o a clôturer la 7e Assemblée Générale Ordinaire. Ce dernier a exprimé sa gratitude et son souhait de revoir la FECABPA à Pont So’o..
L’Association FONBORORO MEDICAL FOUNDATION du PCA de SONARA , ancien Ministre, Monsieur EBONG NGOLLE a joint la Fédération en payant ses droits d’adhésion et cotisation annuelle qui s’élève à 25000 F CFA.
La prochaine réunion est prévue en Novembre 2010 au siège de COGESID MABANDA –BONABERI. C’est avec les photos de famille que les travaux de la 7e Assemblée Générale de la FECABPA se sont clôturés autour d’un grand repas avec le vin de palme offert par AFFE Pont So’o.
AFFE de Pont So'à,
Cameroon Link,
WBW 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Birthing the World Conference In Quebec, Canada
The Association pour la santé publique du Québec (ASPQ) has made public that BIRTHING THE WORLD will hold at the Quebec City Convention Centre, from November 25-26, 2010. The Conference on Best Practices in Perinatal Care aims at exploring and reflecting upon an interdisciplinary perspective, the multiple dimensions of the early period of life. This event is intended as a major step forward in how health experts conceive and perceive perinatal care. The conference gives a unique opportunity for perinatal care practitioners of all stripes to come together around common issues relating to childbirth, breastfeeding and becoming parents, to share their knowledge with one another and to concert their efforts for the benefit of pregnant women and their families. It is expected to draw to one location a broad array of perinatal care practitioners who, though operating in the same field, rarely get the chance to share their experiences and questions. It is being organized in partnership with the Association des omnipraticiens en périnatalité du Québec (AOPQ), the Regroupement des Sages-femmes du Québec (RSFQ) and the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC). A Birthing the World website has been launched to inform the public on activities surrounding the conference. For more information, click on the following link -
Breastfeeding Conference,
Cameroon Link,
Prof. Anwar Fazal, WABA's Chairperson Emeritus Honoured
Professor Dato Anwar Fazal has been honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award. WABA Men’s Working Group extends their “Congratulations” to Professor Dato’ Anwar Fazal, for his great achievements. The Chairperson Emeritus of World Alliance of Breastfeeding Action (WABA), is the first ever Lifetime Achievement Award Winner by the Consumers International and the Federation of Malaysians Consumers Association. This was on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary celebration of Consumers International. He was described during the occasion as 'the most influential figure in the history of the international consumer movement'. The Award was presented to him by Kenyan consumer activist Samuel Ochieng, the current President, of Consumers International. Anwar is also currently the Director of the Right Livelihood College, based at the Centre of Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS), Universiti Sains Malaysia. The Men’s Working Group is very proud to have Prof. Anwar Fazal as its WABA torch light.
Anwar Fazal,
Cameroon Link,
Men's Initiative,
Susan Siew Quits WABA’s Co-Directorship
Source:WABA Secretariat
WABA Secretariat organised a farewell event for Susan Siew following her resignation after Co-Directorship for 15 years. She resigned from WABA as of 1 June 2010 to enjoy the 3Rs of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. A formal handover ceremony had been conducted on Tuesday 25th May, 2010 in the presence of Dato Anwar Fazal, WABA's Chairperson Emeritus and coordinators of the WABA Local Governance Task Force. This was followed by staff organised farewell dinner party. The WABA Men’s Working Group wishes Susan all the best in her future undertakings and knowing that she will always be part of the breastfeeding movement. The WABA Secretariat will now be led by Sarah Amin as Executive Director.
In a message from the Chairperson of the steering Committee, Dr. Felicity Savage, on the 18th May 2010, she observed that She had been with WABA for 15 years, from its early years, and has worked extremely hard with fellow Director, Sarah Amin, to build the organisation up and to make it what it is. Susan brought important expertise and experience from her previous work, particularly with the global consumer, environmental and health movement, and led WABA’s advocacy and organising work with great skill and insight. Susan Siew was instrumental in the organization of past two highly successful WABA Global Forums.
Susan also brought to WABA her special communication design expertise from her work with renowned publishing and design firms in Toronto and New York prior to joining the global breastfeeding promotion, protection and support movement. . She designed and art-directed a group of young designers who produced WABA publications and key campaign materials particularly World Breastfeeding Week.
After 15 years of devoted service to WABA, Susan changed direction and is now looking for a new life path. In Dr. Felicity Savage, “We are confident that she has left WABA strong and well prepared to continue into the future, and our ongoing achievements will owe much to her legacy and high standards.” The Mén’s Working Group joins WABA Steering Committee in wishing Susan well as she looks forward to a period of well deserved rest and recreation, to continued friendship, and new possibilities opening up for her in future. WABA Secretariat
Global Breastfeeding Partners’ Forum 2010
By James Achanyi-Fontem
WABA Men's Initiative
From 17 – 20 October 2010, Bayview Beach Resort in Penang, Malaysia will host a global forum allowing for greater networking among WABA participants
and the Core Partner organisations – ABM, IBFAN, ILCA, LLLI and Wellstart International. Participants will revisit and celebrate Innocenti Declaration’s 20 years, under the theme “Enabling Mothering: Keeping mothers and babies together” from the 16th – 20th October, 2010. The announcement released by WABA Secretariat says the Global Breastfeeding Partners Forum (GBP Forum 2010) is to include a partners’ technical forum to be organised with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation (SIDA). It is the first time WABA is organising a GBP Forum open to participation of the wider network allowing for greater networking among participants and the Core Partner Organisations – ABM, IBFAN, ILCA, LLLI and Wellstart International. The objectives of the WABA 2010 event are:
♥ To foster greater collaboration with WABA’s Core Partners and other participants to plan and advance the common vision and strategic direction of the breastfeeding movement
♥ To share new technical knowledge and programmatic updates in the areas of the expanded BFHI and Maternity Protection.
♥ To celebrate the Innocenti 20 years through creative and other means.
♥ To work towards World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) 2011
The three day event draws on elements of the WABA Global Forum III event originally planned for Quebec City in June 2010, the World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) campaigns past and present, the World Breastfeeding Trends initiative (WBTi) and others.
Farewell Viola Lennon and Kathy Baker
By James Achanyi-Fontem,
Coordinator, WABA Men's Initiative
It is with deep regret that WABA MWG learnt about the passing away of Viola Lennon and Kathy Baker of La Leche League International. Mother Viola Lennon was Co-Founder of La Leche League International and co-author of the Womanly Art of Breastfeeding passed away on Friday, 22nd January, 2010. Kathy Baker, a certified Lactation Consultant, LLL Leader for more than 30 years and training administrator the LLLI Peer Counsellor programme passed away peacefully on Thursday 27 May, 2010. Members of WABA MWG extend their hearty deep sympathies to the entire families and friends of Viola Lennon and Kathy Baker. May their souls rest in peace!
Men's Initiative,
Not For Fathers Only,
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Breast Milk Advocates Evaluate Global Partnerships In Douala
By Martin Nkematabong
The national networking group of infant and young child feeding in Cameroon has urged the government to formulate strategies aimed at sustaining breastfeeding during emergencies. The network met at its 6th ordinary general assembly session in Douala neighbourhood of Bonamikano. Some 27 delegates of the Federation of Cameroon Breastfeeding Promotion Associations, (FECABPA) operating in the South, Center, Littoral North west and South West regions of Cameroon on Saturday April 24, 2010 converged at the Women Gender Council Counselling Centre in Bonamikano , Bonassama health district in Douala to examine progress made in 2009, through maternal care and infant nutrition programs, to improve on the lives of mothers and children in their respective local communities.
The community health advocates network coordinated by Cameroon Link, an international health NGO in Bonaberi-Douala, also discussed plans to celebrate the 2010 world breastfeeding week, as well as evaluate bilateral cooperation with global partners such as the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) and the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA).
After an in-depth review of their 2009 activities, both at national and international levels, the conference participants noted that enormous progress is being made to protect mothers and their babies from health crisis, which often result from unhealthy nutrition habits and commercial campaigns.
In his speech, the national coordinator of Cameroon Link, James Achanyi -Fontem, reiterated the fact that human milk is the ideal nourishment for infants' survival, growth and development; that exclusive breastfeeding within the first six months of life stimulates babies' immune systems and protects them from diarrhea and acute respiratory infections -two of the major causes of infant mortality in the developing world, and improves their responses to vaccination. He said in unhygienic conditions, breast milk substitutes carry a high risk of infection and can be fatal in infants.
Mr. Achanyi added that pictures of disasters, including volcanoes, uncontrollable fire outbreaks, earthquakes, tornadoes and tsunamis are ruffling infants around the world, even when they occur on the opposite side of the globe. He said because these catastrophes naturally affect the quality of water, medical care, food, shelter and other basic necessities, breast milk remains a lifesaving intervention for every child. The speaker added that women need permanent and active support in order to guarantee breastfeeding during emergencies.
The Coordinator of WABA Men’s Working Group and Focal Point for IBFAN Cameroon informed members that the 8th Conference of IBFAN Africa has been scheduled in the month of September 2010 in Mauritius Island and that members should start scouting funds for their travel, accommodation and other issues. The theme of the conference has been announced as, “Breastfeeding, Child Survival and the Role of Infant and Young Child Feeding”.
Meantime, WABA also announced some key events following the WABA Steering Committee Meeting held in October 2009 including the Global Breastfeeding Partners’ Meeting (GBPM) from 17th to 20th October 2010 under the theme "Enabling Mothering: Keeping Mothers and Babies together".
The International Coordinator of the World Breastfeeding Week, Julianna Lim Abdullah reported from WABA Secretariat that WBW celebrants in 2009 were from over 170 countries and that more than 500 events took place globally involving more than 800,000 celebrants. The 2009 WBW was described as the greatest outreach event in its history.
The theme/slogan for WBW 2010 decided by the WABA Steering Committee at its October 2009 meeting is “Breastfeeding - Just 10 Steps! The Baby-Friendly Way.” The general assembly session in Douala was full of fruitful exchanges and learning opportunities, as participants listened to three presentations on breastfeeding and kangaroo care, how to consume fruits and a demonstration on the use of female condom. Details on the presentations can be watched on the YouTube at- The breastfeeding song loaded on the Cameroon Link YouTube has been watched by over 8.000 viewers.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
FECABPA Tient Sa 6e Assemblée Générale Ordinaire
Par Ossombe Marie Claire,
COGESID Bonamikano était hôte de la 6e assemblée générale ordinaire de la Fédération des associations camerounaise pour la promotion de l’allaitement maternel le 24 avril 2010 à Bonaberi-Douala. Plus de 20 associations ont pris part aux délibérations sur la coordination de Joséphine Massila de Maleo Santé +, présidente de séance et Ossombe Marie Claire de CASAMAC d’Ebolowa désignée comme rapporteur.
La réunion a commencé avec la prière de remerciement à Dieu qui a protégé les membres pendant leur voyage pour Douala. La présidente de COGESID Bonamikano, Priscille MOUTO, a pris la parole pour souhaiter la bienvenue aux membres de la fédération et quelques observateurs en rappelant l’historique de sa structure crée en 2003.
Priscille MOUTO a fait comprendre que COGESID est affilié à la FECABPA et WABA. Elle n’a pas terminé sa lecture sans évoquer l’objectif de leur mission, qui est d’aider les populations à rentrer à l’origine en faisant pratiquer l’allaitement maternel de manière efficace par les femmes.
Le rapport de la 5e assemblée générale à Yaoundé le 24 janvier 2010 est présenté par NGOUA Jeanne de NOLFOWOP. Dans la présentation, elle rappelle les orientations relatives à la conception des plans d’action de la SMAM 2010. Le thème de la SMAM étant annoncé comme, « 10 Pas ! Une Condition après l’autre sur le chemin des Amis des Bébés »
Au cours de cet entretien, le président de la FECABPA, James Achanyi-Fontem, révèle l’argumentation qu’il faut protéger : promouvoir et soutenir les mères afin de bien allaiter. Il a rappelé les recommandations de l’OMS concernant l’allaitement et le VIH.
Il a conseillé les associations de travailler en collaboration avec les services de district de santé dans leur arrondissement et Département. En travaillant, il faut faire le suivi et évaluation afin d’assurer des actions correctrices, il a ajouté.
Les établissements de soins de santé jouent un rôle vital dans la mise en place de l’allaitement.
Les Dix Conditions pour le succès de l’allaitement forment un chemin de soutien aux femmes qui leur permet de réaliser leurs intentions d’allaitement et qui guide la formation des professionnels de santé dans le soutien à l’allaitement.
Cette année la Se semaine Mondiale de l’Allaitement Maternel commémore le 20e anniversaire de la Déclaration d’Innocenti, qui appelait à la mise en œuvre des Dix Conditions dans toutes les maternités.
Pendant ces 20 années, plus de 20 000 maternités, environ 28% de toutes les maternités au monde, ont pleinement mis en œuvre les Dix Conditions, et ont été certifiées par l’Initiative Hôpitaux Amis des Bébés (IHAB).
Pendant cette période, les taux d’allaitement exclusif au sein ont augmenté de façon significative.
Toutefois, la réduction du nombre de programmes IHAB de part le monde, une formation insuffisante, et un moindre respect des Dix Conditions dans des maternités déjà accréditées contribuent à la stagnation ou à la baisse des taux d’allaitement maternel exclusif dans de nombreuses situations.
Il est temps de revoir cette approche et de déterminer la direction à suivre par la suite.
Le président de la FECABPA a présenté le plan d’action de WABA en octobre, la décision d’IBFAN Africa de tenir sa 8e Conférence régionale à l’Ile Maurice en septembre 2010. Il n’a pas oublié de signaler que le Cameroun a été félicité par IBFAN Africa pour la mise en pratique de l’allaitement durant les 6 premiers mois de vie par les femmes.
Au cours de la dernière réunion, tous les groupes n’ont pas mis en pratique les activités énumérées. Il était recommandé aux associations de produire les rapports de leurs activités avec les photos afin de prouver leurs existences et compétences.
M. James Achanyi-Fontem a remarqué que la FECABPA n’était pas seulement pour parler des problèmes financières chaque fois, mais aussi d’éduquer ses membres. C’est pour cela qu’au cours de chaque assisse de la FECABPA, les membres, dorénavant développent des thèmes sur la protection des droits de la mère et l’enfant en relation avec la nutrition infantile.
Les membres ont été incités à être à jour pour les cotisations annuelles. Un compte bancaire est déjà ouvert à Douala pour la collecte des fonds de FECABPA et l’autre sera ouverte à Yaoundé pour faciliter l’exécution des plans d’action dans les régions du centre, sud, est et autres.
Au cours de la 6e assemblée générale ordinaire de FECABPA à Bonamikano (Bonaberi-Douala), les membres ont pris quelques résolutions suivantes :
1.En dehors de la Semaine mondiale de l'allaitement maternel célébrée du 1 au 7 août, les organisations membres de la fédération serait s'impliquer dans les événements sur le calendrier reconnue et prévue par le gouvernement à travers le ministère de la santé publique, y compris la Journée internationale de lutte contre le cancer (le 4 Février), International Journée de la femme (le 8 Mars), la Journée mondiale de la santé (le 7 avril), la Journée Africaine pour la réduction de la mortalité maternelle et néonatale, la Semaine national de la protection de la maternelle et infantile, (en Juin), la Journée internationale de l'enfant africain (le 16 Juin), La Journée mondiale de la population (le 11 juillet), la Journée mondiale de la femme rurale (le 16 Octobre), Journée internationale pour l'élimination de la violence contre les femmes (le 25 Novembre) et la Semaine National et Journée mondiale du sida (du 1 - 7 Décembre) de chaque année.
2.Un thème sera choisi pour exposé et échanges pendant les sessions ordinaires prévues sur le calendrier de la fédération chaque trois mois.
3.Les organisations membres doivent être à jour dans le paiement de leurs cotisations annuelles le 15 Juin chaque année, afin d’être qualifié à participer aux réunions d'échanges ou bénéficier d'une formation de renforcement des capacités, ou des subventions de la fédération. Seuls les associations actifs et à jour auront accès aux informations sur le compte de la fédération.
4. Les associations-membres inactifs du conseil d'administration seront remplacés une fois qu'il est porté à la connaissance des participants lors des assemblées générales.
5. Il a été convenu que les membres résidant à Yaoundé et les villes voisines des régions du centre, Est et Sud doivent ouvrir un compte bancaire de la Fédération, tandis que le groupe de Douala gère un compte bancaire similaire pour les activités couvrant les régions du Littoral, Sud-ouest, Ouest et Nord ouest. Cette décentralisation permettra à une forte sensibilisation en faveur des nourrissons sur les droits des mères allaitantes. Le numéro du compte bancaire de la FECABPA au Crédit Communautaire d'Afrique à Douala est 27-2707367-001-1.
6. Il a finalement été convenu que le samedi 17 Juillet 2010, AFFE au Pont So’o sur la route de Mbalmayo – Ebolowa sera l'hôte de toutes les organisations membres de FECABPA avant le lancement officiel de la Semaine de l'allaitement maternel au Cameroun le 1er août par le ministre de la santé publique.
7. Les membres de la FECABPA ont sollicité que le lancement de la SMAM 2010 soit réalisé à Douala dans la région du littoral au Cameroun.
8.Les associations de santé doivent faire connaitre leurs actions sur le terrain en créant le blog sur site d’Internet. Ceci encourage la visibilité des actions de la FECABPA et les associations affiliées à son réseau national et international.
9.L’Assemblée Générale a convenue qu’il est nécessaire que les membres de la FECABPA s’instruisent sur l’utilisation de l’outil informatique, pour permettre les échanges régulières.
Les participants à la 6e Assemblée générale ordinaire de la Fédération des Associations promotion de l'allaitement au Cameroun, en abrégé (FECABPA) étaient les suivantes : COGESID Bonamikano, COGESID Mambanda, Maleo Santé Plus, NOLFOWOP, Cameroon Link, Vine Yard Cameroon, ASSF de Ngwele, AFFE Mbalmayo, MUTSAN, Fine Forest Foundation Cameroun CASAMAC d’Ebolowa et CAFOW. Les représentants la CMA de Bonamikano, de la Foundation Mbororo de Bonaberi et AVIS ont participés comme observateurs. Les représentantes de CASAMAC et CAFOW ont affilié leurs associations à la FECABPA par le paiement des frais d’adhésion de CFA 10.000 chacune.
Exposé sur l’allaitement et la méthode Kangaroo
Par Louis Amagnia Ndema de Maleo Santé +,
Pour donner un grand avantage à la santé du bébé, l’allaitement maternel associé à la méthode Kangourou doit être fait. La méthode kangourou encourage l’attachement du bébé à sa mère et le père car l’enfant est peau à peau devant et non dernière.
Il faut savoir que la chaleur des seins de la mère réconforte et rassure le bébé. En cette position, la mère est obligée de s’occuper de l’enfant parce que ça favorise la montée laiteuse et freine aussi la survenue des crevasses.
Le président de la FECABPA a demandé aux hommes de porter aussi leurs bébés pour encourager les liens et l’attachement comme les mères. C’est aussi un moyen d’aider la mère pour la permettre de se reposer après l’accouchement. Les mères doivent convaincre leurs partenaires à les aider.
Quand prendre les Fruits?
Par Yvonne BEKENY de Cameroon Link
Quand prendre les fruits ? Elle a instruit les membres de la FECABPA à éduquer les populations à manger les fruits avant les repas et non après, pour faciliter une bonne digestion. Il est même conseillé de prendre les fruits sans autre aliments pour évité les problèmes liés aux yeux (la cécité) ou la chute de cheveux.
Il faut encourager les populations à prendre des fruits frais et non les jus artificiels. Les fruits frais possèdent les micros éléments importantes pour la bonne santé. Consommons les fruits de qualité et non ceux que nous trouvons sur la route exposés àla chaleur et au soleil.
Les fruits préparés perdent leurs nutriments et leur enzyme. Consommez les fruits seul au bon moment parce qu’il permet la compensation enzymatique. Pendant qu’on travaille il est conseillé de prendre de l’eau tiède et non glacé pour l’élimination des toxines qui sort dans le corps. L’eau glacé durci les graisses et donne les maladies.
Le dernier exposé était sur l’utilisation des condoms féminine par MAGOUTOU Jacqueline Chi de CAFOW. Voir la démonstration sur le youtube de Cameroon Link -
Allaitement Maternel,
Cameroon Link,
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Nestle challenged over health claims
By James Achanyi-Fontem,
Coordinator, IBFAN Cameroon Group
Nestle has been challenged over health claims which tell mothers that its baby milk will 'protect' their babies. Nestle Annual Shareholder Meeting took place on 15th April 2010 at the Palais de Beaulieu, Lausanne, Switzerland.
According to Patti Rundall of Baby Milk Action UK, who attended the meeting, it was probably one of the most dramatic Shareholder meetings that she could remember - though the time that the Tom Butler, the Bishop of Leicester in 1993 challenged them comes a close second.
The brilliant Greenpeace stunt certainly lifted their spirits and caused a major headache to Nestle. It started with a horrendous drilling sound that almost blocked out Peter Brabeck's speech during the session. Pat Venditti of Greenpeace was sitting in front of Patti Rundall who tapped him and asked: "Is this Greenpeace?" and Pat answered, "Maybe". Then sawdust started to trickle down from the ceiling, thousands of leaflets followed by two absailers with huge banner. Fantastic!
As Greenpeace activists cut through the ceiling and absailed into Shareholder Meeting with huge banners and leaflets, Nestlé was held to account for its exploitation of rainforests, for its spying activities and for its failure to abide by baby food marketing standards adopted by the World Health Assembly.
Patti Rundall OBE, Policy Director at Baby Milk Action, picked up on the Chairman, Peter Brabeck's remarks that Nestle considers regulations to be much less important than principles and core values and appealed for shareholders to help in holding management to account for the harm it continues to cause to breastfeeding and infant health, contributing as it does to the needless death and suffering of babies around the world.
She highlighted the deception of the strategy that had been on display at the shareholder meeting the previous year: logos on formula labels claiming the product will 'protect' babies. It is undisputed that babies fed on formula are more likely to become sick than breastfed babies and, in conditions of poverty, more likely to die.
She also challenged Nestle's policy on sponsorship which targets mothers, health workers and children - for example, TV shows in Egypt, baby clubs in the Philippines, school education schemes in India, Health Conference Street banners in Cameroon, websites, medical seminars etc - schemes which are in many instances in violation of World Health Assembly Resolutions and national legislation.
Nestlé Chair, Mr. Peter Brabeck-Letmathé, said that because Ms. Rundall did not trust him, Paul Bulcke, CEO and Richard Laube, Head of Nestle Nutrition should respond in detail. Richard Laube defended the 'protect' logo and admitted the practice was being used in 120 countries on cereals and formula, showing it to be a global strategy. He indicated the marketing practice had been going on for some years and will continue, dismissing the suggestion that it was harmful or a violation of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. For more information, click on the following links -
Monday, April 5, 2010
Expanded Global Breastfeeding Partners’ Meeting (GBPM)
From 17 – 19 October 2010 at Bayview Beach Resort in Penang, Malaysia
A wider network allowing for greater networking among WABA participants
and the Core Partner organisations – ABM, IBFAN, ILCA, LLLI and Wellstart International will be revisiting and celebrating Innocenti 20 years, under the theme “Enabling Mothering: Keeping mothers and babies together” from the 16th – 19th October,2010.
The announcement was released by WABA Co-Directors, Susan Siew and Sarah Amin. The Global Breastfeeding Partners Meeting (GBPM 2010)will include a partners’ technical forum to be organised with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation(SIDA).
It is the first time WABA is organising an expanded GBPM open to participation of the wider network allowing for greater networking among participants and the Core Partner Organisations – ABM, IBFAN, ILCA, LLLI and Wellstart International.
In line with the 20th anniversary of the Innocenti Declaration, the event will open with a celebration of 20 years of action and achievements around the Innocenti as well as reviewing the gaps and areas still needing attention and a strategic response.
The two-day technical meeting/forum on the topic “Enabling Mothering: Keeping Mothers and Babies together,” focusing on the expanded BFHI and Maternity Protection and support for working women will be followed by a business meeting of the Core Partners on the 20th October 2010. This last day event will be by invitation only.
The objectives of the WABA 2010 event are:
♥ To foster greater collaboration with WABA’s Core Partners and other participants to plan and advance the common vision and strategic direction of the breastfeeding movement
♥ To share new technical knowledge and programmatic updates in the areas of the expanded BFHI and Maternity Protection
♥ To celebrate the Innocenti 20 years through creative and other means
♥ To work towards World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) 2011
The three day event draws on elements of the WABA Global Forum III event originally planned for Quebec City in June 2010, the World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) campaigns past and present, the World Breastfeeding Trends initiative (WBTi) and others.
Participants will have plenary and workshop sessions as well as exhibition and other open spaces for the creative arts and celebration!
All WABA friends will take advantage of the space to share their work, resources and creativity. WABA`Co-Directors, Susan and Sarah, are looking at the event as a mother-father/family friendly event!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
CRC Confirms Importance of Breastfeeding as Human Right
By James Achanyi-Fontem,
Coordinator, WABA Men’s Initiative
IBFAN’s Human Rights Intern of Child Rights Committee, Ina Verzivolli, described the last CRC session in January 2010 as a great success due to the big impact that IBFAN reports had on the issues that were discussed in Geneva, Switzerland.
Ina Verzivolli added that the session was a great success in terms of promoting breastfeeding as a human right in a summarized results sheet of the CRC session published last February 12. She lauded the work of IBFAN and praised the commitment of members. It is now left for the recommendations to be transformed in action for the continued struggle to protect and promote breastfeeding world wide. The summary report was delivered as follows:
The Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) confirms the importance of Breastfeeding as a Human Right.
January 2010
The Committee on the Rights of the Child has recommended to almost all the countries reviewed during its last session (Session 53, January 2010), to protect and promote breastfeeding as a fundamental right of the child. These recommendations were the consequence of reports submitted to the Committee by National IBFAN Groups on the situation of breastfeeding in their countries. IBFAN considers this a great achievement in relation to its mission of upholding breastfeeding rights for children and mothers all around the world.
The 53rd session of the Committee of on the Rights of the Child, took place in Geneva in January 2010. Eight countries were reviewed on their efforts to implement the Convention of the Rights of the Child: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mongolia, Norway, Paraguay and Tajikistan. In almost all reviews, breastfeeding was on the top list of health-related issues.
IBFAN groups from six of the countries under review had submitted reports about the situation of breastfeeding in their countries. These reports highlight the main problems in relation to infant and young child nutrition, the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, the implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, maternity protection at work and the situation of maternal health.
The Committee published its recommendations to the national governments at the end of the review process. In six out of eight countries it referred to breastfeeding issues, recommending the governments to take specific measures in this regard. Almost every recommendation in the area of breastfeeding relied on the information provided to the Committee by IBFAN groups. In the case of Cameroun, the Committee adopted the entire list of recommendations made by the IBFAN Group of this country.
The «concluding observations» of the Committee, which take the form of «recommendations» for future action to the national governments, included the following (for a detailed list by country see the table below):
1.Concern about low rates of exclusive breastfeeding for infants up to 6 months;
2.The importance of the protection of breastfeeding in national laws and the effective implementation of these laws;
3.Adoption and implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes;
4.Promotion of breastfeeding and the advantages of exclusive breastfeeding;
5.allocation of resources for breastfeeding policies and programmes;
6.Promotion of education on child health and nutrition;
7.Improvement of the data collection systems;
8.Need for governments to engage civil society in drawing national breastfeeding policies and action plans.
Since 1997, IBFAN’s efforts in the field of human/child rights have been to call upon governments to fulfil their obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), in particular regarding article 24 on the child’s right to the highest attainable standard of health, optimal nutrition, as well as correct and unbiased information on nutrition. Thanks to our constant reporting (more than 150 reports from IBFAN groups worldwide), IBFAN has succeeded in raising the awareness and attention of CRC Committee members.
This is a great success!
However, much work needs to be done to translate these recommendations into reality. The next step for IBFAN Groups, as well as for every actor in civil society that works in the area of infant and child nutrition, is to push their national government while working hand in hand with it to solve problems and find solutions.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
FECABPA Holds 5th Ordinary General Assembly in Yaounde
By Martine Yolande Tsenou,
The 5th Ordinary General Meeting of the Federation of Cameroon Breastfeeding Promotion Associations, FECABPA, held in Yaoundé on the 23rd January 2010. Attended by some 20 representatives of member organisations of the federation, activities in 2009 were reviewed and discussions centred on the plan of action for 2010.
In the annual orientation speech, the National President of FECABPA, James Achanyi-Fontem, started by wishing all a “Happy and Prosperous New Year 2010”, adding that since the creation of the Cameroon national nutrition networking exchange coalition for the promotion of infant and young child feeding on the 14th September 2007, the vision of the organisation has remained the same.
He recalled to members of FECABPA that the vision is to protect, promote and support mothers to breastfeed their babies and feed infants adequately as a right to food, affection and tenderness as the guarantee for good health and well being.
He invited FECABPA members to continue to use the different techniques and strategies taught them during the training at Obala in 2008 for social mobilisation within the context of the expansion of recommendations of the World Health Assembly, World Health Organisation and UNICEF. He announced that WHO published new HIV recommendations to improve health, reduce infections and save lives during the last World AIDS Day 2009. He is the role of health associations to inform communities of the new recommendations published on a good number of health web sites already.
The National President of FECABPA, James Achanyi-Fontem, talked about how to design local action plans within the context of pertinent declarations of the United Nations Organisation and the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals. He invited all organisations to work in close collaboration with health districts in the regions starting from their health areas of locations.
He revealed that the theme for the World Breastfeeding Week 2010 is centred on the ten conditions for successful breastfeeding and that this is visible through the 15 key indicators of the World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative, WBTi that is considered to facilitate the closure of gaps where little is done in any given country.
Zimbabwe and Cameroon benefitted from the WBTi training in 2009, and the role of those who received the training is to transfer the monitoring and evaluation techniques to other organisations and their colleagues in their countries, who were not opportune.
All trainers in Cameroon agreed that regular monitoring and evaluation could help to identify gaps and close them during planned activities. Speaking on international network planned activities, the National President of FECABPA who doubles as the Coordinator of WABA Men’s Working Group and Focal Point for IBFAN Cameroon informed members that the 8th Conference of IBFAN Africa has been scheduled in the month of September 2010 in Mauritius Island and that members should start scouting funds for their travel, accommodation and meals. The theme of the conference has been announced as, “Breastfeeding, Child Survival and the Role of Infant and Young Child Feeding”.
The Coordinator of Men’s Initiative made it known that Sarah Amin and Susan Siew, who are WABA Co-Directors have also announced some key events following the WABA Steering Committee Meeting held in October 2009. These events have been slated towards the end of 2010, starting with WABA Global Breastfeeding Partners’ Meeting (GBPM) from 17th to 19th October 2010 and the theme for the meeting is "Enabling Mothering: Keeping Mothers and Babies together". The GBPM proper takes place on the 20th October 2010. This will be followed by WABA Steering Committee Meeting from 22nd to 24th October 2010.
On the other hand, the International Coordinator of the World Breastfeeding Week, Julianna Lim Abdullah reported from WABA Secretariat that WBW celebrants in 2009 were from over 170 countries and that more than 500 events took place globally involving more than 800,000 celebrants. The 2009 WBW was described as the greatest outreach event in its history.
With this, Julianna Lim said, WABA is pleased to announce the theme/slogan for WBW 2010 which was decided by the WABA Steering Committee at its October 2009 meeting. The Slogan for WBW 2010 is “Breastfeeding - Just 10 Steps! The Baby-Friendly Way.”
The Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute, led by Miriam Labbok was appointed Key Writer for the WBW 2010 Calendar Announcement and Action Folder. Miriam Labbok and her team will work with the WABA Health Care Practices Task Force, Mother Support Task Force and BFHI Working Group.
In an earlier welcome address by the Secretary General of FECABPA, Suzanne Messe, she made a run down of achievements in a balance sheet that showed that the promotion, protection and support of lactating mothers in Cameroon was on a good foot and that exclusive breastfeeding rate for the first six months is on the increase, especially as member organisations now work regularly to protect rights of mothers and babies to adequate nutrition.
ASSF Bonaberi and NOLFOWOP Yaoundé hosted the two ordinary sessions of March 24 and July 9 respectively in 2009. The sessions focused attention on the best strategies to promote mothers’ and fathers’ support groups with the introduction of the Men’s Initiative as an integral part of infant and young child feeding in Cameroon.
Suzanne Messe lauded the technical and material support from WABA, IBFAN, UNICEF and the Ministry of Public health which led to the expansion of activities within communities. The infant and young child feeding groups benefited from international collaboration during the working visits of Dr. Neal Rosenburg and Professor Donna Taliaferro of Washington Nursing College, who researched on HIV stigmatisation amongst health workers in Cameroon. Tobias Zick of the German Neon Magazine visited Cameroon to support Cameroon Link’s action for prevention of violations of the international and national code on the marketing of breastmilk substitutes within health facilities.
In November 2009, Cameroon Link facilitated the organisation of the World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative training for Cameroon in Douala by the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN Africa) consultant, Pauline Kisanga. During the ordinary general meeting of FECABPA in Yaoundé, members took the following resolutions that:
1. Apart from the World Breastfeeding Week celebrated from the 1st – 7th August, the federation’s member organisations would get involve in other calendar events recognised and planned by the government through the ministry of public health, including International Day to fight against cancer on 4th February, International Women’s Day on 8th March, World Health Day on 7th April, African Day for the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal mortality, Mother and Infant Health and Nutrition Action week in June, International Day of the African Child on 16th June, World Population Day on 11th July, World Food day on 16th October, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25th November and the National and World AIDS Week from 1st – 7th December each year.
2. A theme will be selected for an expose and learning exchange each time the federation holds a quarterly planned ordinary session within the year.
3. Member organisations should be up to date in the payment of their annual dues by June 15 each year to qualify for participation in exchange meetings or benefit from any capacity building training or subventions from the federation. Only active up-to-date members will have access to information on the federation’s account.
4. Inactive members of the Administrative Board would be replaced once it is brought to the knowledge of participants during general meetings. Long term vacancies of some board members were blamed for the non execution of some planned activities of FECABPA.
5. It was agreed that members residing in Yaoundé and neighbouring cities or regions will open and manage a bank account of the Federation, while the group in Douala will run a similar bank account for acceleration of activities covering the Littoral, South West, West regions. It was observed that this decentralisation will help in outreach advocacy in favour of infants and mothers’ rights. The bank account number of FECABPA at Credit Communautaire d’Afrique in Douala is 27-2707367-001-1.
6. It was finally agreed that the Saturday, 24th April 2009 Ordinary General Meeting will be hosted by the Women’s Gender Council (COGESID) Bonamikano and that on Saturday, 17th July 2009, AFFE Mbalmayo will host all member organisations of FECABPA ahead of the joint national launching of the World Breastfeeding Week in Cameroon on the 1st August by the Minister of Public Health.
Participants at the 5th Ordinary General Assembly of the Federation of Cameroon Breastfeeding Promotion Associations, FECABPA, came from COGESID Bonamikano, Maleo Santé Plus, NOLFOWOP, Cameroon Link, Vine Yard Movement, Alternative Santé, AFFE Mbalmayo, Ahead Biyem Assi, AFEIMEK, Fine Forest Foundation Cameroon and ASSOCASFIASAR Yaoundé.
Fine Forest Foundation Cameroon and ASSOCASFIASAR (Midwives & Nurses Association) representatives attended the national meeting for their first time and decided to be affiliated to the federation by paying their dues.
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