Monday, July 5, 2010

Susan Siew Quits WABA’s Co-Directorship

Source:WABA Secretariat
WABA Secretariat organised a farewell event for Susan Siew following her resignation after Co-Directorship for 15 years. She resigned from WABA as of 1 June 2010 to enjoy the 3Rs of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. A formal handover ceremony had been conducted on Tuesday 25th May, 2010 in the presence of Dato Anwar Fazal, WABA's Chairperson Emeritus and coordinators of the WABA Local Governance Task Force. This was followed by staff organised farewell dinner party. The WABA Men’s Working Group wishes Susan all the best in her future undertakings and knowing that she will always be part of the breastfeeding movement. The WABA Secretariat will now be led by Sarah Amin as Executive Director.
In a message from the Chairperson of the steering Committee, Dr. Felicity Savage, on the 18th May 2010, she observed that She had been with WABA for 15 years, from its early years, and has worked extremely hard with fellow Director, Sarah Amin, to build the organisation up and to make it what it is. Susan brought important expertise and experience from her previous work, particularly with the global consumer, environmental and health movement, and led WABA’s advocacy and organising work with great skill and insight. Susan Siew was instrumental in the organization of past two highly successful WABA Global Forums.
Susan also brought to WABA her special communication design expertise from her work with renowned publishing and design firms in Toronto and New York prior to joining the global breastfeeding promotion, protection and support movement. . She designed and art-directed a group of young designers who produced WABA publications and key campaign materials particularly World Breastfeeding Week.
After 15 years of devoted service to WABA, Susan changed direction and is now looking for a new life path. In Dr. Felicity Savage, “We are confident that she has left WABA strong and well prepared to continue into the future, and our ongoing achievements will owe much to her legacy and high standards.” The Mén’s Working Group joins WABA Steering Committee in wishing Susan well as she looks forward to a period of well deserved rest and recreation, to continued friendship, and new possibilities opening up for her in future. WABA Secretariat

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